These pages bring together all the essential resources you will need for your course.
Use the tabs above to help you find books, e-books, articles, journals and more
This subject guide is designed to help you find a wide range of information resources that are essential to your studies. It provides direct links to key resources and assistance with getting the most out of your research.
It is important that you develop good research skills during your college experience. The ability to find, use and evaluate good quality, information will enable you to produce better academic work and achieve better marks. These information skills can be used in everyday life and will be invaluable when progressing on to university or into employment.
More detailed information about searching techniques can be found on the Library Research Skills page.
Welcome to NPTC Group Libraries. You will find friendly staff to help with assignments, research and digital skills. We have safe and quiet spaces to study, read or use PCs.
You can access support in the libraries or online; drop in and see us, or make an appointment with an adviser
Booking isn't necessary but you can book a study space or PC for specific days/times if you wish
More information about all of our services can be found in our Library Induction guide
If you need help finding books and information, have a question about using the library, or would like to arrange a chat with a library adviser: click below to Ask A Librarian or e-mail us: