A-Z Databases

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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Alternate Name(s) Hodder Education Magazines

Search A-level Review magazines for topical content and articles linked to A-level specifications. 
The current issue, and back issues since 2009, are available.
Subjects include Biology, Business, Chemistry, Economics, English, Geography, History, Law, PE, Physics, Politics, Psychology and Sociology.

Alternate Name(s) Anatomy TV

An interactive digital learning tool that comprises 19 fully interactive body-system modules. It includes interactive 3D models, narrated animations and illustrations, pronunciation guides, dissection slides, and other multimedia - as well as more than 250 clinical topics and case studies.

You will be prompted to login with your usual college username and password.

Alternate Name(s) Anatomy TV
Teclyn dysgu digidol rhyngweithiol sy'n cynnwys 19 o fodiwlau system y corff sy'n hollol ryngweithiol. Mae'n cynnwys modelau 3D rhyngweithiol, animeiddiadau a darluniau wedi'u hadrodd, canllawiau ynganu, sleidiau dyrannu a modelau amlgyfrwng eraill - yn ogystal â mwy na 250 o bynciau clinigol ac astudiaethau achos.

Yna, byddwch yn cael eich annog i fewngofnodi gan ddefnyddio eich enw defnyddiwr yn y coleg a'ch cyfrinair arferol.
A free research database offers essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. Essays, articles, reports and other reliable sources provide an in-depth look at the history of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness
History Study Center is a collection of full-text journals and popular magazines providing expansive coverage of a wide range of global historical topics and themes. This collection of authoritative current and archival secondary sources offers vital context and varied perspectives on thousands of topics from world history.
Adnodd ar-lein yw'r Canolfan Astudiaethau Hanesyddol sy'n darparu casgliad eang o ffynonellau digidol sylfaenol ac eilradd ar gyfer astudiaethau hanesyddol.

Mae'n cwmpasu hanes byd-eang, yn ymestyn o hen amser i'r presennol ac mae'n cynnwys llyfrau cyfair, traethodau, erthyglau, cylchgronau, adysgrifau areithiau hanesyddol, delweddau a chlipiau fideo.
A rich and varied literature database. Search or browse by Literary period, movement or author. Topic pages and full-text journals and periodicals provide authoritative criticism and reference content.
NPTC Group of Colleges, Dŵr-y-Felin Road, Neath, SA10 7RF