Our e-book collections provide 24/7 access to the learning and research materials you need for your course. Most of our e-books are digital copies of the textbooks that you will find in the library, others are only available online. Visit our e-books page on Moodle to browse hundreds of e-books or search the library catalogue to quickly find what you need.
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Assembles the most important theories in the field of health communication in one comprehensive volume, designed for students and practitioners alike Health Communication Theory is the first book to bring together the theoretical frameworks used in the study and practice of creating, sending, and receiving messages relating to health processes and health care delivery.
This short video covers the basics and key features of using the VLeBooks online reader. For more information and other videos visit the VLeBooks page. .
We have several collections of e-books available for you. Find your book, read online or download for later.
This short video covers the basics and key features of using the E-book Central online reader.
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We have several collections of e-books available for you. Find your book and read online.