For further guidance on citing and referencing your work, please visit our Referencing pages.
The College has clear guidelines and procedures to prevent academic misconduct, which includes passing off someone else’s work as your own. If your tutor suspects you have used used AI tools to generate work and submit it as your own, then college disciplinary procedures and penalties could apply.
It is important you do not rely on AI tools; you should develop the knowledge, skills and understanding of your subject. AI misuse is where you have used AI tools but not acknowledged you have used them or submitted this work as if it were your own. Examples of AI misuse include:
If you are using AI tools in your academic work, please check this guidance on how to acknowledge and reference use of these tools.
AI tools are changing rapidly. We recommend that you check this guidance frequently as our advice may change as these tools develop.
When you use or refer to information created by AI tools such as ChatGPT or Gemini, you must acknowledge this by citing it correctly. As the information produced by these tools is only available to you, you should cite this as a personal communication.
Examples of in-text citation:
The information you need to include for a reference:
Example of bibliography or reference list:
Use the heading 'Declaration' to clearly identify this statement for your teachers.
Declaration I acknowledge the use of [AI tool or technology name] and [link] to generate.../ however the writing is my own and no content generated by AI has been presented as my own work. Prompt: I entered the following prompt/s... Use: I used the output to.../I modified the output to... |
Include screenshots of the AI generated answers in your Appendix.
Example 1
Declaration I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to generate a summary of the essay topic for background research, however, the writing is my own and no content generated by AI has been presented as my own work. Prompt 1: "Provide an outline for a 2000 word essay on the effects of climate change on coastal regions in Wales." Use: I used the output as a starting point to plan my essay, and conducted my own research and reading on the suggested headings. Prompt 2: "Identify alternative synonyms for climate change" Prompt 3: "Build a search query using relevant keywords and Boolean operators" Use: I used the output as my search strategy in library databases to identify suitable articles and academic sources of information. |
Include screenshots of the AI generated answers in your Appendix.
Example 2
Declaration I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to generate topic ideas for a research project, however, the writing is my own and no content generated by AI has been presented as my own work. Prompt: "Brainstorm ideas around the topic of [example]." Use: I used the output as a broad starting point for initial research ideas before narrowing down the title for my project. |
Include screenshots of the AI generated answers in your Appendix.
Declaration I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to generate research design ideas in suggesting the most effective research methodologies for studying [topic], however, the writing is my own and no content generated by AI has been presented as my own work. Prompt: "What research methods would be most effective for studying [topic]?" Use: I used the output as a starting point in my research design, and conducted my own research and reading on the suggested methodologies. |
Include screenshots of the AI generated answers in your Appendix.