Yn yr uned hon bydd dysgwyr yn meithrin gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o hawliau unigolion a'r rhwystrau i gyfranogiad y gallant eu hwynebu, sut mae’r rhain yn cael eu hybu a'u herio er mwyn gwella iechyd a llesiant.
The Equal Opportunities Handbook is a guide to identifying and eradicating workplace discrimination through training and guidance. The revised edition of this popular text has been updated to reflect the changes in legislation and policy. This up-to-the-minute guide sets out straightforward procedures, relevant to all types of situation, and demonstrates how simple is to behave with fairness, courtesy and sensitivity to all. The book includes personal action plans at the end of every chapter to aid learning and development, as well as a current A-Z of laws and agencies promoting equal opportunities.
Now in its fourth edition, this highly successful text challenges oversimplified approaches to tackling discrimination and oppression. With a clear exposition of a coherent theory base that does justice to the multi-level and multi-dimensional nature of discrimination, Promoting Equality is essential reading for students and practitioners within the helping professions, and managers and supervisors across the public, private and voluntary sectors.