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CBAC Lefel 3 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Egwyddorion a Chyd-destunau: Uned 1

Uned 1: Egwyddorion gofal ac ymarfer diogel o fewn gofal personganolog sy'n canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau

Yn yr uned hon bydd dysgwyr yn meithrin gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o gyfrifoldebau proffesiynol, rolau ac atebolrwyddau gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn y sector

Dewis e-lyfrau ar gyfer Uned 1

Dewis llyfrau llyfrgell ar gyfer Uned 1

Communication Skills in Nursing, Health and Social Care 5th Edition

Our ability to communicate is a key part of everyday life and is an essential skill, particularly when communicating with vulnerable people in a health and social care setting.Presented in a unique and easy-to-use dictionary format, this practical guide will help students and practitioners understand and apply the principles of effective communication.

Anti-Discriminatory Practice: equality, diversity and social justice. 7th ed.

Now going into its seventh edition, Neil Thompson's Anti-Discriminatory Practice has been providing a trusted introduction to the challenges of promoting social justice and equality for a quarter of a century. Addressing the common concepts and issues across the various forms of discrimination, this book explores the reasons why the development of anti-discriminatory practice is so vital, and examines the steps that need to be taken towards constructing a social work practice based on principles of anti-discrimination and the promotion of equality.

NPTC Group of Colleges, Dŵr-y-Felin Road, Neath, SA10 7RF