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Black Lives Matter


Black Lives Matter protest

The arrest and death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on 25th May 2020 led to mass protests and anti-racist support for Black people across the World.  The events highlighted the global fight for racial equality and the Black Lives Matter movement.

At NPTC Group of Colleges we are fully committed to ensuring that everyone has equal access to services they need, free from discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation, and that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

To fight racism and discrimination we need to educate ourselves about the problems.  This guide provides a selection of resources from the college libraries that will help you to understand some of the issues faced by Black people in the UK and US.

This selection is by no means an exhaustive reading list, nor is it meant to be.  If you want to find more books and information about this topic and need any help with your research, contact us and #AskALibrarian.

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Image by Katombe Mbangama from Pixabay 

NPTC Group of Colleges, Dŵr-y-Felin Road, Neath, SA10 7RF