If you need help finding books and information, have a question about using the library, or would like to arrange a chat with a library adviser: click below to Ask A Librarian or e-mail us: libraries@nptcgroup.ac.uk.
We have all seen homeless people on the streets. But how much do we really know about what it's like to be homeless? How many people are homeless in your area? What is the impact of homelessness and hunger? What help is available?
As well as providing useful material for general interest, the content in this guide relates to the Global and Personal Responsibility unit of the e-step tutorial programme.
This selection is by no means an exhaustive reading list, nor is it meant to be. If you want to find more books and information about this topic and need any help with your research, contact us and #AskALibrarian.
If you are personally affected by homelessness or are in need of financial support, please talk to our Student Support team to find out how the college can help.
Visit the Student Zone in college or contact Student Support by e-mail:
Afan: Student-Support-Afan@nptcgroup.ac.uk
Brecon & Newtown: Student-Support-Brecon-and-Newtown@nptcgroup.ac.uk