Books give an overview of your subject and provide information on core concepts and theories. They are a good starting point for your assignments.
Search the library catalogue for the books you need, or take a look at our recommendations for your subject.
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Use the library catalogue to find the books you need.
Check the status to see if the book is available or on loan.
If the book is available, make a note of the location and the shelfmark (where you will find the book on the shelves).
If the copies of the book you need are out on loan you can request a copy from the library.
Main shelfmarks for History
323.11 Civil Rights Movement
324.623 Women's Suffrage
909.824 Cold War
940 European History
941 British History
942.9 Welsh History
943 German History
959.704 Vietnam War
973 United States History
Use the library catalogue to find the books you need.
Check the status to see if the book is available or on loan.
If the book is available, make a note of the location and the shelfmark (where you will find the book on the shelves).
If the copies of the book you need are out on loan you can request a copy from the library.
Main shelfmarks for Sociology
300.72 Research methods
301 Sociology
301.072 Socialisation, culture and identity
301.076 Social inequalities
306.85 Families and relationships
362.1042 Health inequality
364 Crime and deviance
Use the library catalogue to find the books you need.
Check the status to see if the book is available or on loan.
If the book is available, make a note of the location and the shelfmark (where you will find the book on the shelves).
If the copies of the book you need are out on loan you can request a copy from the library.
Main shelfmarks for Psychology
323.11 Psychology
324.623 Research methods in psychology
909.824 Social psychology
940 Abnormal psychology
Use the library catalogue to find the books you need.
Check the status to see if the book is available or on loan.
If the book is available, make a note of the location and the shelfmark (where you will find the book on the shelves).
If the copies of the book you need are out on loan you can request a copy from the library.
Main shelfmarks for Criminology
364 Criminology
345 Criminal Law
614.15 Forensic Psychology
Use the library catalogue to find the books you need.
Check the status to see if the book is available or on loan.
If the book is available, make a note of the location and the shelfmark (where you will find the book on the shelves).
If the copies of the book you need are out on loan you can request a copy from the library.
Main shelfmarks for Law
323 Civil and Political Rights
340 Law
342.2408 European Court of Human Rights
345.42 Criminal Law
346.03 Tort Law
These recommended books are available for you to borrow from the library.
These recommended books are available for you to borrow from the library.
These recommended books are available for you to borrow from the library.
These recommended books are available for you to borrow from the library.
These recommended books are available for you to borrow from the library.
These recommended books are available for you to borrow from the library.
The Very Short Introductions series can provide helpful background information and context for many of the subjects you will encounter in your course.
If there is something missing from our library let us know. Recommend a book for us to purchase for the library.
Search the library catalogue for books, e-books, DVDs
Our e-book collections provide 24/7 access to the learning and research materials you need for your course.
Visit our e-books page on Moodle or search the library catalogue for e-books.